- Introductions
- Update from Admin (Jesse Bemister)
- Welcome to new and returning PAC members
3. Welcome and Update from Michael Meroniuk
2. Budget (Jenn O’Sullivan)
- Spring Fair
3. Fundraiser Update
- Apple fundraiser was a success
- Pumpkin decorating and pumpkin sale
- Purdy’s Chocolates will need another couple of helpers
- A-thons (Jesse)
4. School code of conduct:
- Currently: Respect this place, Respect yourself, Respect others.
- BRAVE Campaign going forward? (Jesse/Amrit)
6. Thanks-to and update from hot lunch co-ordinators
- Johanna is coordinating volunteers for distribution
- Sarah will coordinate the vendors, MunchaLunch, and billing.
7. Large Events
- Dances
- Spring Fair is going forward with Erin at the helm
8. Grade 7 Graduation Committee?