Sing Dance Act Shine! At Lights Up Afterschool, your child can experience the joys and benefits of musical theatre by taking part in our afterschool programs led by our talented and experienced Lights Up Musical Theatre Schools staff. These classes are a unique introduction to our weekend musical theatre programs and provide students with an enriching, rewarding, and most of all, fun afterschool activity right at the bell!
This Winter, we will be putting on a musical created specifically for our afterschool students! Inspired by the movies of the same name, students will sing, dance, and act their hearts out as they join Riley on a journey through her emotions!
Students will be supervised from dismissal. No need to pick up your child until 5:15pm! Performance on the last day of classes for parents!
After School Tuesdays
JAN 14 – MAR 11
3PM – 5:15PM
GRADES: K to 7
Fee: $365* (*plus GST)