Next PAC Meeting – Wednesday, February 9, 5:30-6:30pm on Zoom

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Meeting ID: 854 3966 7697
Passcode: 086029 


Meeting on Zoom through DPAC Attendees:

1. Opening Statements: Welcome to Jesse Bemister looking forward to working with you and getting to know you; and welcome new and returning parents-invite your parent buddy(ies) to join our next PAC meeting-.(1-2 mins)

2. Current Elective: Another brief mention that there are positionsavailable for the 2021-22 society year. It would be great to have a District Rep., Thrive Rep., a Secretary, and some volunteers for a FundraisingCommittee, it would also be great to have a volunteer for Communications. (2 mins)

3. Treasurers Report: Communication on our budget and ways to distribute enduring funds for the school year. (5-10 mins)

4. Introduction of VSB Members present and the Principal’s Report. (7-10 mins)

5. News or communications from Fine Arts Rep. (1-2 mins)

6. Fundraising: Growing Smiles Spring; Purdy’s; Bottle Drive (5 mins)

7. Appreciation, Open Floor and Next Meeting. (3- 5 mins)