Next PAC Meeting – Wednesday, October 27th- 6:15-7:15pm (Zoom)

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Meeting ID: 878 9026 3747
Passcode: 2468 

October 27th 2021 Nootka PAC General Meeting 6:15pm-7:15pm

AGENDA (Meeting on Zoom)

  1. Opening Statements from the District PAC+handoff to current Nootka elective. (5 mins)
  2. Introduction of current Elective; brief mention that there are also positions available to fill for the 2021-22 society year. (5 mins)
  3. Introduction of VSB Members present and the Principal’s Report. (7-10 mins)
  4. Welcome New and Returning parents; Purpose of the PAC+DPAC. (5 mins)
  5. Fundraising/Budget/Gaming/Committees. (5-7 mins)
  6. Other Business-anything left over from last year to address [example; fromAGM, last PAC Meeting, Misc.] (10 mins)
  7. Appreciation, Communications and Next Meeting. ( 10 mins)